martes, 22 de abril de 2014


    image taken from: (google, s.f.)                                           


 Chapter  3: TO POMPEII

Beginning: Festus and Bassus both friends of them friends of Spurius wanted to go to the Colosseum and after know Felix's mosaics.
Event: Spurius asked to Felix and Petrus go to Pompeii to design the mosaic. At night Felix was on the deck when Petrus really angry with him, tried to kill him.
End: Finally, Felix felt a strong man´s arm around his neck, someone was attacking him from behind and trying to push him over the side of the ship into the sea.


 when Petrus arrive at the port of Herculaneum, while Bassus was for two horses and advised a Festus that they need a bath after that journey, to rest a bit and explain about the mosaic on the way and the design will be in two days because Bassus want this mosaic finished. 





My experience as english student

 My name is Laura, I´m 23 years old and I´m languages student at La Salle university.
My experience as English student has been negative because I studied in a public school, where the education was regular in English.  I have just learnt English at La Salle University, but my experience has been moderate here because I like more the French.
English seems me harder than French. I have been good teacher with the children. I like learning languages because this is good for my job. But I need to develop my listening and speaking in English more.